Summer Adventures: A Journey Through Music and Memory

When school starts, everyone talks about what they did over the summer break. You know the drill.


Instead of simply sharing information about what you did, you can create a short story about you and your friends or your family.

  1. Was there drama? Was there intrigue? Was there humor?
  2. Maybe, your dog or cat could be the protagonist, the main character.
  3. Did you go on a family trip or visit a friend in another town? That trip has a beginning, a middle, and an end, just like a story.

You can tell your story through music and, if you want, through movement. Each musical selection on the project page has a particular mood or dramatic energy. Listen to the songs and choose music communicating how you felt or what was happening at each point in your story. For example:


A summer trip might have four sections, and each part of your story will have a particular mood.

    1. Preparing to leave: Did you want to go?
    2. The journey itself: Was it fun? Was it boring? Was it long?
    3. Arriving: Were you happy? Were you bored? Were you angry? 
    4. Returning home. Did you want to leave? Did you want to stay?